Medical equipment

HEMA-T tourniquet to stop bleeding

Hema-T is a tourniquet used in cases of bleeding from an open wound on the arm or leg. It is used to prevent life-threatening blood loss. Hema-T was developed with HemaClear technology.

You can apply the product yourself or have it applied by a caregiver. If the limb is unstable (broken), two caregivers are required; one to use axial traction and the other to use a tourniquet. Each package of the product has one yellow sticker, on which the application time is written, and which is applied to the exposed areas of the patient. Hema-T can remain on the limb for up to two hours. If a longer evacuation time is required, the Hema-T can be rolled down while applying direct manual pressure to the bleeding injury. After 10 minutes, the Hema-T can be wound again over the injury site. Note that the shoe must be removed to place the Hema-T on the leg, but you do not need to remove your pants or pull up your shirt sleeve when placing it on the upper limb. You can see how to install HEMA-T at the following link > VIEW VIDEO

HEMA-T tourniquet to stop bleeding

Hema-T is a tourniquet used in cases of bleeding from an open wound on the arm or leg. It is used to prevent life-threatening blood loss. Hema-T was developed with HemaClear technology.

You can apply the product yourself or have it applied by a caregiver. If the limb is unstable (broken), two caregivers are required; one to use axial traction and the other to use a tourniquet. Each package of the product has one yellow sticker, on which the application time is written, and which is applied to the exposed areas of the patient. Hema-T can remain on the limb for up to two hours. If a longer evacuation time is required, the Hema-T can be rolled down while applying direct manual pressure to the bleeding injury. After 10 minutes, the Hema-T can be wound again over the injury site. Note that the shoe must be removed to place the Hema-T on the leg, but you do not need to remove your pants or pull up your shirt sleeve when placing it on the upper limb. You can see how to install HEMA-T at the following link > VIEW VIDEO

HEMACLEAR - sterile tourniquet

Hemaclear medical tourniquets are manufactured by an Israeli manufacturer. Using HemaClear tourniquets involve lower operating costs, as the product is installed in less than 1 minute, and the patient’s preparation time is also faster. Due to the maximum visibility of the operating field, the operating time is reduced. The tourniquet can be on the limb for a maximum of 2 hours. The product is sterile, disposable. It provides sterile conditions during surgery and provides a wider sterile field. Due to the narrow silicone ring, maximum visibility is guaranteed. The narrowness of the ring does not cause damage to the skin and nerve. The product drastically reduces post-operative complications due to pushing blood from the limb upwards (pulmonary embolism, DVT,..). The advantage of HemaClear product is complete blockage of the arterial blood, which means 95% blood clots during surgery. The product is factory calibrated.

HEMASHOCK®- Emergency Auto-Transfusion Tourniquet

Emergency Auto-Transfusion Tourniquet – HemaShock® by OHK – is used to squeeze blood out of the legs (also arms if needed) and block reentry of arterial blood flow into those limbs. This can be done quickly by a single caregiver (Paramedic, Medic, Nurse, Physician) even during transport. The HemaShock® is indicated for use in patients who have very low systolic blood pressure (i.e. less than 80 mm Hg) due to Hemodynamic Shock or Circulatory (Cardiac) Arrest.


T-RING -“One-Size-Fits-All” finger tourniquet provides immediate hemostasis. It makes it faster, safer and easier to use than any other method.

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These Reusable Patient Positioners are used to protect the bony prominence of a Patient’s body and help reduce the risk of developing pressure sores while a Patient is resting on the Operating Table or other Support Surface during Medical/Surgical Procedures and Examinations by providing an ergonomically shaped stable support to hold the Patient and preventing them from accidentally moving.


EYE GARD- Hypoallergenic transparent protection designed to cover and protect closed eyes during surgery. Easy removal or. moving , protection, waterproof material. The protection does not damage the eye. material. Zaščita ne poškoduje oči.

LEAFix fixator for laryngeal and endotracheal tubes

LEAFix is ​​a fixator for laryngeal and endotracheal tubes. It consists of a self-adhesive foam tape and a paper cover, which has a special shape for attaching the tube to the patient’s face. LEAFix is ​​single use and not sterilized.

The self-adhesive foam on the LEAFix fixator has a paper backing that is removed before use. The Y-shape acts as a double anchor point, allowing it to be attached to the face. The downward-facing part allows the product to be wrapped around a tube of different diameters and at the same time increases the surface area. There is also a perforated part on the longer end of the product, which can be divided into two additional anchor points and increase the mounting options. The surface of the self-adhesive product touches the skin on the face and tube. After use, the product is removed from the skin and from the tube without any problems, without any special procedure.

LEAFix fixator for laryngeal and endotracheal tubes

LEAFix is ​​a fixator for laryngeal and endotracheal tubes. It consists of a self-adhesive foam tape and a paper cover, which has a special shape for attaching the tube to the patient’s face. LEAFix is ​​single use and not sterilized.

The self-adhesive foam on the LEAFix fixator has a paper backing that is removed before use. The Y-shape acts as a double anchor point, allowing it to be attached to the face. The downward-facing part allows the product to be wrapped around a tube of different diameters and at the same time increases the surface area. There is also a perforated part on the longer end of the product, which can be divided into two additional anchor points and increase the mounting options. The surface of the self-adhesive product touches the skin on the face and tube. After use, the product is removed from the skin and from the tube without any problems, without any special procedure.